Collection and/or institution: Národní knihovna České republiky
Dating Interval
2nd half of the 14th century
1st half of the 15th century
MEYER, Heinz. Die Enzyklopädie des Bartholomäus Anglicus. Untersuchungen zur Überlieferungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte von ‚De proprietatibus rerum‘. München 2000, available here. pp. 100–101, 124, 231, 242.
SEYMOUR, Michael. Bartholomaeus Anglicus and his Encyclopedia. Aldershot 1992. p. 260.
TRUHLÁŘ, Josef. Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Latinorum, qui in c. r. bibliotheca publica atque universitatis Pragensis asservantur. 2. Pragae 1906 (available here) p. 61, n. 1875.