Manuscript » L LX


Dating Interval
2nd half of the 14th century

Texts within this manuscript

Type Title of text Incipit Foliation
treatise on diet De diaetis particularibus, Isaac Iudaeus Incipiunt diete particulares. Conplevimus in primo libro universales significaciones... ff. 83r–114r

PODLAHA, Antonín. Soupis rukopisů knihovny metropolitní kapitoly pražské. II. Praha 1922 (available here) pp. 235–236, n. 1305.

STERNBERG, Kaspar. Abhandlung über die Pflanzenkunde in Böhmen. I–II. Prag: Gottlieb Haase, 1817–1818, available here. vol. I, p. 41.